Coping with COVID-19
Taking Care of Ourselves and Each Other
Articles & more:
Psychology Tools guide to living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty
National Alliance on Mental Illness COVID-19 Resources
American Psychological Association Five Ways to View Coverage of the Coronavirus
Russ Harris How to Respond Effectively to the Corona Crisis
UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center Six Daily Questions to Ask Yourself During Quarantine; Four Things to Do Every Day for Your Mental Health
University of Virginia How to Protect Your Mental Health During Quarantine
Dr. Robert Leahy Anxiety Files: Simple and powerful techniques for coping with anxiety and worry
Center for Mindful Self Compassion Self Compassion and COVID-19
Duke Health Tools for Resiliency
UNC School of Social Work Showing Up to What Matters: Managing Anxiety During COVID-19
Carissa Gustafson Coping with COVID-19
Mobile Apps:
Russ Harris' The ACT Companion: The Happiness Trap, is available for free during the next few months using code "TOGETHER" on the subscription page
Check out our mobile apps page for more ACT-based options!
Mindfulness & Meditation Practices:
Tara Brach has a repository of guided meditations, including several on sitting with difficult emotions related to COVID-19
Portland Psychotherapy offers several guided mindfulness and acceptance exercises
Chris Cermer's mindful self-compassion meditations
Ten Percent Happier's Coronavirus Sanity Guide has many meditation recordings - they also offer free live guided meditations every weekday at 3pm EST
Mindful magazine is offering several resources, including their 30-day course Find Calm and Nourish Resilience for free
Russ Harris is offering several audio recorded mindfulness exercises and meditations free of charge
Meditate Together. Groups practicing live virtual meditation:
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies: daily, 10:30-11:15am EDT
Space2Meditate: Mon-Sat, 8-8:30am EDT and 5:45 - 6:15pm EDT
Ten Percent Happier: every weekday, 3pm EDT
Cultivating Mindfulness at this Critical Moment with Jon Kabat-Zinn: every weekday, 2pm EDT
Guided Breathing Exercises:
Families & Kids:
Mindful Schools is offering a free online mindfulness class for kids, with classes available on demand on their website
Drs. Anne Marie Albano, Jonathan Kaplan, Dean McKay, and Rebecca Sachs recorded a talk on Resilience, Coping, and Parenting Strategies for Everyone
Duke's COVID-19 Resource Guide for Parents and Families
Just for kids: a comic exploring the new coronavirus
Talking to teens & tweens about COVID-19